
EISB teaching Slovak through Language & Culture

Studying language includes more than learning about grammar, phonetics, syntax, literature etc. We believe that the aim of any educational institution is raising responsible, rational citizen with love and honor for its national treasures such as tradition and culture too. English International School of Bratislava (EISB) would like to assist in developing our pupil‘s  knowledge and spreading information about Slovak history to our Slovak pupils too. Studying in an international school brings a wide spectrum of information in which Slovak history should not be forgotten.

Therefore, EISB curriculum will integrate historical and geographical topics into our Slovak lessons in a way that enhances Slovak curriculum combining language and culture. Students will have access to interesting topics such as  how Slovak language  was founded and developed over the years, who was the founder of Slovak language, important historical figures, actions in the history of the Slovak nation, exciting stories and legends from Slovak regions. Furthermore, we also intend to integrate geographical information with the help of a map of Slovakia along with interactive trips to support topic study.

This new project will begin during the 2020-2021 school year. Hopefully, we will be able to organize an instructive trip connected to one of our topics from the project for the upcoming school year.

Stay safe!

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