
Frau Suvi macht TikTok-Videos

As it is slowly time for me to say goodbye to EISB, I wanted to leave something behind. Something else than all the laminated German posters on walls. That is why I created a TikTok account where students can still keep on learning German with me! My first video is already up and running and I would like to encourage you to duet with me to introduce yourself in German.

I might be posting a new video only once a week but I already can promise that there will be not just videos for you to practice your speaking. I will be making a series of my favorite German words (yes, there are plenty of those!), explanations of grammar and of course some funny (/cringy) German related clips for your entertainment.

Although I will be saying this still many times within the following week, I want to already thank you all for the past two years. Especially, the past academic year was a dream come true for me and I am so grateful for being able to share my passion towards German with students and proud of the progress I have witnessed in my classes. I wish you all the best and maybe we will bump into each other one day again because, if I have learned anything when living abroad it is this – the world is small!


Frau Suvi

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