
Designing costumes and habitats: Amphibians.

During our most recent unit, students delved into the world of animal classifications, exploring features and characteristics that distinguish different species. A highlight was learning about adaptations, where students were challenged to design costumes mirroring these unique traits. Additionally, they delved into habitats, understanding why animals develop specific adaptations to thrive in diverse environments.

Group 1, Roxy and Yenlik, focused on amphibians. Their chosen creatures were the poison dart frog and the axolotl. Their initial task involved sourcing materials to accurately replicate the vibrant colors and unique skin textures of these amphibians. Roxy meticulously crafted webbed feet, while Yenlik selected a variety of pink fabrics for her costume.

Moving on, they tackled the habitat aspect of their project. Demonstrating their comprehension of amphibian needs, they included a pond as the primary water source and incorporated dry land areas for the amphibians’ habitat. This holistic approach showcased their understanding of both the physical attributes and environmental requirements of amphibians.

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