
Learners Engaging in School Improvement

Y3 learners explain their project to improve school

Year 3 Primary learners presented their school improvement plans this week.  Their classmates and members of the Secondary Newspaper Club and Action Group formed the audience.  Thanks to Ms Anne Kolarov and Ms Merna Yousef for facilitating the event.

Suggestions included:

  • Bigger Playground Space
  • More varied Menu for the Canteen
  • Creating a Pet Club
  • Widening the Variety of Library Books
  • Better System for the Primary Toilets
  • Air Conditioning in Summer

The first part of solving a problem is noticing it and we are very happy to hear the ideas of the year 3 learners!  This important event hopefully inspires secondary learners when they meet to investigate their own thoughts on how to take their school forward. We believe that our young people should be very much more involved in developing their environment and the systems we use in school in a thoughtful and positive way.  The next step is working out ‘how’ to make the change happens.

Ms Anne Kolarov introducing Y3 to Middle School Newspaper and Action Groups

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