
We are commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Slovak Writers

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Slovak Writers, three talks with writers were already organized on the grounds of the EISB school in last school year. After Zuzana Kuglerová, Daniel Hevier and Petra Nagyová-Dzerengová, who participated in discussions with Slovak language students in last school year, now the writer Gustáv Murín and Erik Ondrejička have accepted our invitation.

We organized a talk with Gustáv Murin for older students. In Y9/G8, he talked about his upcoming trilogy about the Slovak National Uprising, which he conceived on the basis of authentic stories of people whose lives were significantly affected by this event.

The second lecture, which Gustáv Murín prepared for Y10/G9 pupils, was devoted to serious social issues that were raised after the amnesty of the former Czechoslovak Václav Havel and that influenced Slovak society for many decades. Pupils read Gustav Murín’s books, or became familiar with them through the presentation of their classmates, and actively participated during the discussion, which provided them with new information about the topic.

For now, the last talk at EISB was a meeting with the poet Erik Ondrejička, who was on the jury at the recitation Hviezdoslav Kubín to Alex Szasz and Richard Kužela from Y8. The author spoke about his poetry for children and adults, about translations of poems into English, read verses from books that he dedicated to the school at the end of the meeting.

The round anniversary of the Slovak Writers’ Association, the celebration of the word and the greatness of art, will be commemorated in the coming days and weeks with nice literary events.

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