
Contemplating the attributes – How do they translate into practice?

All the attributes developed across the IB curriculum definitely have a strong impact on the versatility of students in their ensuing personal and professional lives as they they round up their personality. All of them are equally important and intrinsically define qualities of an ideal candidate, most commonly sought for demanding but at the same time rewarding jobs.

For practical and illustrative reasons I would like to divide the attributes our students develop into two groups: explicit and implicit.

Explicit are those that are most likely to be tested in every written test or an interview. I will use an example from tests that are designed for civil servants in the European institutions.

These tests consist of four parts: Verbal reasoning, Numerical reasoning, Abstract reasoning and Situational judgement. If we transpose these to the IB context they would correspond with Communication, Thinking and Risk-takers. Situational judgement is more of a decision making process, presenting a mix of Reflective and Principled attributes.

Implicit, on the other hand, are the other attributes that are of equal importance, but not easily measurable. However, they are very desired and become evident at later stages of work when collaborative efforts are harnessed.

It is the EISB´s ambition to raise alumni reaching for the best opportunities. To this end, these attributes in their practical forms need to be exercised from the earliest years of MYP level, so DP students could  easily outperform the real job seeking candidates. Should there be any MYP students eager to prepare prior to their tertiary study, for work in public administration, governmental /non-governmental organisations or simply become well equipped and ready to take up any professional challenge, an elective to this end could be negotiated and offered.

Ultimately, honing these attributes contributes to international-mindedness which is a modus vivendi of international schools.

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