
Table tennis club

At EISB one of the learner attributes that would deserve more publicity is „Balanced. We help students get balanced with the well defined cross-curricular content and activity portfolio from the early years onwards. Some students and pupils have certainly developed a penchant for physical extracurricular activities. However, not all students manifest this kind of interest beyond school.

Physical education as a well embedded obligatory discipline in the school portfolio is certainly offering insights into many sport activities but not to the extent where they can all be practised equally.

Table tennis club is exactly what helps students to develop liking for physical, enjoyable activities without putting demanding requirements on them. The goal of this club is to instruct the newbies with basic bat holding techniques, stances and rules and make them involved in a competitive environment where they learn to win and also accept a loss. The better ones can share their experience and contribute with their technical skills superiority to the overall sharing and instructive atmosphere of this club.

Spirit of conviviality stimulating a healthy and conflictless competition. While some are busy honing their hitting technique, the others put their creativity to play and construct the club mascot
En garde! When you take a good stance, you are not really far from fencing. Stances are really important in table tennis.
Learning by doing. More experienced helping less experienced.

Table tennis club is held every Tuesday and Thursday at 15:15. Come to join us and become “bouncy” with us.

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