AcademyEventsFamily NewsPrimary


Online Auction “Clean out your room”

Dear Parents, do you find yourself buying new things for your children and the old ones are catching dust on shelves? How about a clean out in your child’s room? That is why our EISB PA organization decided to organize an online auction called “Clean out your room”.

What is the idea behind it?

Since every event should also have a response, we would like to invite you to participate in this school auction, where we can combine pleasant with useful. What is the useful part? Together with your child, you can rediscover things and toys long forgotten, not knowing you still had them at home. What to do with them? Your child could sell them in the school auction. They might be no longer of interest to them, but perhaps someone else would love to have them. And the pleasant part? There is more 🙂 Your child will have a tidy room and get a sense of order into his or her little kingdom, getting rid of the “junk”. Their “junk” might become someone else’s new “treasure”. And last but not least, they can raise some money, which can be put towards something new or saved for later.

How to enter the auction in a few steps …
Find a moment to spend some time with your child in their room.

2. Discuss with your child whether there is something they don’t want anymore (it could be toys, books, games, lego, etc.). Important is that the things are functional and clean – in good used or unused condition.

3. To make things fair and manageable – each child can enter maximum 3 items into the auction, and each child can win max. 6 items in the auction.

4. Set the starting bid for the item your child wants to sell. We recommend to set the starting bid at 50 % of the value/price you are looking forward to get in the end (e.g. if your child wants to sell something for 10 EUR, the starting bid should be 5 EUR).

5. Please take a picture of the item you would like to auction off, email the photo and a short item description incl. the starting bid to Please enter “Online auction” in the Subject. Deadline for entries is 31 January 2021.

6. List of auction items, together with their starting bid and photo, will be published on the school’ s website on 2 February 2021.

How is it going to work?

Online auction will take place on 5 February 2021 at 8.30 am, via ZOOM. All students can participate in the auction. All children can buy something, even if they decide not to enter some of their things. We will send you the ZOOM link in an electronic invitation via the class parents. After the children log in, the organizational team will start the auction, chronologically, following the published auction list. Each item will open with the starting bid. Children can bid/increase their bids by either 50 cents or 1 EUR, depending on the item and price given (list will be available on 2 February 2021), the organizational team will give instructions. An item is auctioned off when students stop bidding…1,2,3 sold! The student calling the last highest bid is the winner.

The organizational team will note the winner, the auctioned item and the winning bid. Handover and payment for the acquired things will take place on 12 February 2021 during Assembly (if online schooling is still in place, new date will be given) in person and with assistance of Academy Students. In case the winner fails to collect and pay for the auctioned off item, the item can be claimed by the second highest bidder in line (if still wanted).

Have you sold an item?

The financial reward will be returned to the person who contributed the item to the auction – after deducting a 10% fee from the final auctioned amount for EISB PA.Of course, if you wish to contribute more – everyone can support the EISB Parents Association with an additional voluntary contribution. These funds will be used for the activities we are preparing for our children this school year. It is up to you how you decide, as an organizer, we will be grateful for every contribution – and remember, the money will be returned to you in the form of our kids happy memories.

Rules of conduct…

By participating in this online auction „Clean out your room“ you are accepting the above rules and you are liable to submit the item entered into the auction, to collect and pay for the item won in the auction, whichever applies.

We are very excited about this event. Our children can learn something new through participating in the school auction, new real life experience, don’t mind the lockdown. 🙂

Your EISB PA Board

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