
Learner-Development-Centred Approach

Professional Development Towards a Learner-Development-Centred Approach to School

Teacher and learner development at EISB.  January will see us begin our move towards learner-development-centred education.  This involves focusing on coaching our young people to become the best holistic learners they can be. This is getting to the heart of what education should be about – maximising the opportunities for young people to develop the understandings, habits, skills anddispositions needed to be happy and successful whatever the future brings.  Of course, good grades still count and with more of our young people becoming great learners, being more engaged and seeing school as relevant, we will see learning and grades improve and become more meaningful in the process.

Both teachers and kids will be exploring the attributes of holistic learners.  They will research, identify and share strategies to develop the attributes within the contexts not only of subjects but also of what they do outside class.

A parents’ information session on this will be held in early January.

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