UniFrog Parent Session – Academy
Dear Academy Parents,
On October 16th at 2:30 PM there will be a virtual UniFrog parent session hosted by Mr. Thomas Beadle and Mr. Jacob Ingram. The purpose of this session is for High School Parents to better understand how to use the UniFrog platform to search and compare universities around the world, discover specific university programs, find admission requirements, and more. All high school parents are invited, but it is specifically encouraged that all Y11/ Y12/Y13 parents attend this session!
When: On Wednesday, October 16th at 2:30 PM
Where: Online (Zoom meeting link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/93870399046?pwd=dWZDbWhxMWRpbTZGeS9OTkpLYjNGUT09)
Who: All High School parents are invited
Hope to see you there!