
Introduction to the MYP at EISB 2023

On May 23, I held an online information session for parents of future MYP 1s and new students.  I presented a general outline of the IB Middle Years Programme and then answered some questions.  Attached is a copy of the presentation, and below are answers to some of the parents’ questions.

Regarding various subjects in the MYP:

  • English Language and Literature: English teachers choose from a variety of literary genres and text types, according to what is appropriate for each year level.  Students are given integrated grammar instruction as part of a literary unit, not a separate grammar unit.
  • Individuals and Societies: This is an umbrella that covers history, geography, and other humanities.  In the upper grades, it can even include sociology or psychology.  (In US schools, it’s often called Social Studies.)
  • Sciences: Students in MYP1-3 have general science courses that prepare them for specific courses (Biology, Chemistry, etc.) in the upper levels.
  • PE: The IB calls this PHE, or Physical and Health Education. Like all of our subject areas, it has four required criteria for grading.  As part of the curriculum, students learn to take an active part in their own physical fitness and make healthy choices.
  • Language Acquisition: Students in MYP can choose between German and Spanish.  The MYP has six phase, each with their own requirements for level of comprehension and use of language.  Phase 1 is for complete beginners and Phase 6 is often considered native level.  Students are tested as needs and place in the correct phase.  To accommodate this, several language levels are taught at the same time.

Regarding information and communication:

  • Edupage is used for attendance (absence note, etc.) and communication (messages, field trip sign-ups, etc.)
  • Grades are published on Managebac, and both parents and students have access.  There will be training at the start of the year.
  • We are looking at streamlining our various platforms, but this is a conversation that will take some time.

Regarding teachers for next year:

  • Both class teachers and subject teachers will be finalized before the start of the new year.  It is difficult to do ahead of time due to changes in class size and staffing.

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