Open House

European day of Languages

The European Day of Languages (September 26th)

The European Day of Languages is observed 26 September, as proclaimed by the Council of Europe on 6 December 2001, at the end of the European Year of Languages, which had been jointly organized  by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Its aim is to encourage language learning across Europe.

Even the EISB participated. The Spanish group of students designed T-shirt logo which gave them the opportunity to reflect on the importance of speaking other languages and the benefits that it brings.

The idea behind the celebrations this week was to promote the study of languages as a lifelong skill and to give our students a greater awareness of other languages and cultures outside of their normal language lessons and thereby to improve their openness to learning a foreign language and to others. It has been an opportunity for students to celebrate the diversity within our school community but also diversity on a global scale.

The winner’s logo will represent the next year’s EDoL 2021.

Here is what our Spanish students said about this event:

“The European language T-shirt design competition is that you need to create a t-shirt design without symbols or flags. But it needs to be outstanding among other designs. Our design is a battery with positive and negative charge that represents the differences on languages and how we are special in different ways. (The negative charge) The positive charge represents that the differences attract. As on the color scheme we went pretty basic, but yet outstanding from others.” (Rebeka Chudackova)

“I am very happy how the logo turned out. It says so much even though it is so small and simple.” (Nina Djobekova)

“The competition was based on making a t-shirt design that represents European languages without including any symbols. This was a tough task that was ahead of us, however we immediately took this as a positive challenge and started working on it. The first thought was to have a magnet because it attracts other magnets which would symbolize the languages attracting each other. The final design was a battery which we came to by thinking about how the languages divide us because we cant understand each other (this symbolizes the negative charged side) but on the other side they attract us because we can also understand each other through languages (this symbolizes the positive side of the battery). With out color choice, we wanted to make it bold, striking and make the colors have contrast between each other so that shirt would be more noticeable and the message would come through as more powerful.” (Tamara Tardova)


Bronislava Dvorecka

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