
The Year 11th students celebrated the New School Year

This morning our students came to school after two months of summer holidays. Everyone was in a great mood, happy, although a little nervous. Having met in the hall, three class teachers and their 11th grade students captured the moment of the beginning of the New School Year in photographs.

Our first lesson began rather unusually. The students received instructions according to which, before entering the classroom, each in turn should make the most important wish and ring the bell. The quality of the wish fulfillment will depend on how you ring it.

After all the students and class teachers: Mr. Godfred, Mr. Michal and I successfully completed this ritual, at our impromptu round table we shared our impressions of the summer holidays, got to know  the new students (we have three of them: Adam, Imre, Emilia), voiced our expectations for the new year and our goals:

– Get better in basketball!

– To do well and hopefully make it to do.

– Fixing my handwriting.

– To have good grades.

– Doing fun things while studying.

– Stay motivated. Survive!

– To have a good personal project.

– Most of the time to be in positive mode, have fun.

– To have more snacks, and to have no homework.

– Not forget things that already learned.

– Eat a lot pancakes.

– Not to be late from PE to other classes.

– Learn more things on English, Math, German.

– To start an interesting club that other students will be able to enjoy…

The students’ first homework assignment was to think about what 50 of our collective dreams we would all try to achieve this year.

Year 11 is a great group of students. I’m proud of them all in advance.

That’s why I can say, “This is going to be an amazing school year!






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