
Bringing students together with theatre

The first month of the academic year has come to an end. During this time, students have had the opportunity to get to know each other and build relationships based on trust, cooperation, and active listening. Our journey in theater classes has been adventurous and I am pretty sure we all enjoyed the ride.

Students began to acquire knowledge about the basic principles of acting – reacting. Those skills acquired in theater lessons are learned to be applied to their everyday life in order to be able to perceive their surroundings, friends, teachers, parents,… How to work with emotions, who or what those emotions actually are and how our reactions depend on the actions of others and our actual inner mood.

Over the past two weeks, our focus has been on monologue analysis and exploring various types of emotions. Students were tasked with stepping into the shoes of characters they created, delving into their backgrounds, including their hobbies, relationships, motivations, goals, and personalities. Through this process, we learned to understand the characters we had crafted and analyzed their behaviors.

We also worked extensively on voice modulation, tone, and volume, and we even had some fun practicing the articulation of a specific word (the students seemed to particularly enjoy saying “spaghetti”) while expressing assigned emotions.

It was indeed a joyful experience, and we thoroughly enjoyed every lesson.

Miss Zuzana

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