Interdisciplinarity at its best
This year EISB has launched Environmental systems and societies, a new discipline to enrich already extensive Diploma Programme subject portfolio. EISB is the only international school to offer this subject in Bratislava.
Interdisciplinarity is a characteristic strived for across all MYP years and requires joint effort of the pedagogic staff and their subject expertise. However, Environmental systems and societies has it all included in one discipline. This subject can be characterised as an intersection of natural sciences and humanities. DP students having difficulties to choose science or humanities can stop worrying as this subject covers both.
ESS offers a holistic insight into ecology, development and sustainability with application of a systemic approach. Application of the knowledge and skills acquired in this subject is very extensive and can transcend the scope of activities of scientists, NGO ecological activists and policy makers.
Students taking pride in chemistry, biology but also in geography and economy would find everything to suit their tastes. It is commonly known that we act based on our situational judgement which is formed by education, experience and media. We tend to overrate what is easily served and consumed, most likely by biased media. Let us increase our environmental sensitivity and awareness by delving into Environmental systems and societies and endeavour to identify and adopt sustainable solutions relying on precise ecological, economical and scientific data.