
Aquatics club learning

The new Aquatics Club at EISB has, to this point in the school year, been learning a lot about the creation of an aquarium’s aquatic environment. We have learned about and improved our already existing Aquarium 1, and are creating a great Aquarium 2, with a different aquatic environment.

We have learned a lot about different types of fish, and what they need in order to thrive. We have also learned about how the fish relate to each other. One particular example is the Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish. The students in the club, of course, knew something about this type of fish, but had a lot of misconceptions about them. They thought that this fish needed to be alone, and that it would aggressively attack any other fish. They also thought that it was ok for these fish to be in a very small tank or bowl of water, like you usually see them in at pet shops.

They researched this fish and learned that these things are untrue, and we have helped to really turn the life of one Betta around. It is happy in its new larger environment and we have given it neon tetras and catfish as tank mates and all are doing well so far.

We now feel very bad about all of the other Bettas in shops around Bratislava, and are discussing what to do about it.

Later in the school year, we will also extend our learning into exploring various aquatic environments around Bratislava. Stay tuned!

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