
Slovak and Slovak For Foreigners students’ trip to the Museum of Ľudovít Štúr in Modra

In November Year 5 and 6 went on a trip to Modra to visit a Museum of Ľudovít Štúr. The Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra is part of the Slovak National Museum and is located in the centre of Modra, in the so-called Emresz house, which belonged to the family of Karol Štúr’s wife, and where Ľudovít Štúr spent a lot of time raising his brother’s sons when he moved to Modra in 1851. He finally died in this house on January 12, 1856.

In this building there is the main exhibition of Ľudovít Štúr – from study to action, which presents a cross-section of the life and work of Ľ. Štúr set in concrete historical contexts. It also presents Ľ. Štúr from his personal and human side through the testimonies of his contemporaries, as well as the current view of the scientific and professional public. The exposition contains unique personal items not only of Ľ. Štúr, but also of Jozef Miloslav Hurban and Ján Kalinčiak, together with works by Slovak visual artists and written documentary material. The Ľ. Štúr Memorial Room recalls the last years of his life in Modra and the circumstances of his tragic death.

Group visitors, upon request, are provided with lecturers’ interpretation in the exhibition rooms and in the Memorial Room. Our kids could also see Štúr´s hair and his beautiful handwriting. The lecture was 45 minute long, Slovak for foreigners’ students could watch the biography movie about Ľ. Štúr in English and then they joined the Slovak students and look around at the museum artefacts.

Talking about education and schools in those days

About Štúr’s love life

The Enactment of standard Slovak language was signed: meeting of Stur, Hurban, Hodža and Ján Hollý in Dobrá Voda and our Year 5&6 girls in front of this painting

The Memorial Room

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