
EISB’s Ema Ahmed takes 1st Place at National Science Olympiad

This academic year, three EISB students: Katarina Florekova, Y 8, Michal Dlobek, Y 9, Ema Ahmed, Y 12, participated the 57th Slovak Biology Olympiad among students of all types of schools. They represent our school in three different categories: E (zoology), C (project), B (project).The Olympiad in each category is held in several rounds (school, district, regional, national, international).

Ema Ahmed won (1st place) the National Round in category B. Not only did she win in her category, but also was among the top 2 selected of International students from all categories. To top it off, the competition was in Slovak language, which is not her mother tongue and not her language of study.

As a result, she now has the honor of representing Slovakia at the International Round “Genius Olympiad. She has also been awarded automatic admission to ANY Slovak University which offers studies in Biology or Medicine.

When asked about the competition, Ema shared, “I’ve never competed in Biology let alone doing it in Slovak. The school offered the Olympiad at the beginning of the year, but wasn’t able to do my subject of choice, so Ms. Sveltana (Head of Math/Science, Biology teacher), told me to try Biology, so I said…’Ok!'”

Judges at the competition shared they were impressed not only with her project, but also her composure and skills at giving presentations. “I was very nervous, and very surprised that they complimented the presentation.”

If we ask nicely, maybe we can convince her to present her project at a special showing at EISB, a nice preparation for the International Competition.

Michael Djobek, Ms. Svetlana, Ema Ahmed

Michal Djobek also successfully participated and won (1st place) of the Regional Round in his category C and placed 11th nationally.

Katarina Florekova is now only at the beginning of her competitions. Yesterday she won (1st place) in her category E at the District Round and in three weeks she will take part in the Regional Round, and then in June in the National.

Congratulations to Ms. Svetlana who not only teaches their subjects, but also works hard preparing students at the next level. “It is very hard work to learn, understand and apply modern knowledge of biology. But our students know how to do it with enthusiasm and success.”

With teachers like that, it’s not a surprise.

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