
Home Alone – Together at School

Friday night saw EISB transformed into the first, but definitely not last, Primary Movie Night! Tickets to Home Alone were sold by Year 6 students in the 2 weeks coming up to the event, and there was more than 80% attendance from primary school students. All proceeds from the ticket sales as well as the wonderfully diverse snack sale organized by Year 6, will go to the charities chosen at the the beginning of the school year. The display of student motivation and initiative at this event speaks volumes about the success of the path of student agency our school has embraced. This commitment to student agency is critical to effective learning and one of the most important skills we can offer kids on the road to adulthood.

A shout out to some MYP students who took this opportunity to collect some service hours by converting the canteen into a movie theater. They also worked as ushers, ticket collectors and cleaning crew. This type of work happens in the background and is often overlooked, but it makes things run smoothly and ultimately is the reason behind the success. Thanks to all the teachers who helped in whatever way to make this happen – you know who you are!

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