How can we make our school more inclusive?
EISB seeks to provide its students with the learning habits, skills, and dispositions to succeed at higher levels worldwide through learner centred education. The school aims to be universally recognized for its effective and innovative educational programs that enable each member of the learning community to achieve his or her highest potential. This vision is at the heart of the planning and development of the school during the academic year and beyond, to truly ensure it comes to life.
EISB is an English-speaking, innovative international school which delivers a very high-quality, university-preparatory education to a diverse, international group of students in an empowering environment of creativity and discovery. EISB’s mission is also to inspire a passion for learning, foster a sense of wonder and curiosity, and teach responsible global citizenship. We achieve this within a safe, nurturing environment with a strong sense of community at its heart.
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
EISB follows the guidelines of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Its emphasis on different areas of personal development allows children to reach their full potential intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
The IB was founded 52 years ago in Geneva to provide an internally recognized school qualification for mobile families and to develop an educational programme that fosters the knowledge, skills and understandings that underpin international awareness and mindedness. Its Diploma programme is widely recognized as the world’s premier High School curriculum and it is accepted by universities all over the globe. For more information, please consult their website:
Effective teaching and learning can only take place in a well-ordered environment. Promoting positive behaviour requires the commitment of all members of our school community, students, parents, governors, and staff; it requires a consistency of practice across the school to ensure that students know the standard of behaviour that is expected of them. As a school we need to develop a ‘Language for Learning’ which also encompasses behaviour and rewards, and this policy invites all members of the school community to actively participate in enabling all young minds to strive to reach their full potential.
This policy is designed to promote the philosophy, aims and expectations and practical implementation of this and assists the school in offering all students an education of the highest quality as an essential preparation for life and to enable each student to develop their talents to the full, both as an individual, and as a member of the wider community. If all members of the school community are to develop and achieve their best then they must be free to learn and teach in an environment that is caring and respectful, open and welcoming, culturally affirming and equitable.
All stakeholders at EISB share a collective responsibility for behaviour and therefore the:
Responsibilities of Pupils:
- To treat others and the school environment with respect and consideration
- To show positive behaviour choices and attitudes at all times
- To understand that positive behaviour and attitudes leads to a calm and orderly environment which promotes the best outcomes
- To be polite and show good manners to pupils, staff, and their parents
- To have pride in their appearance and the way they conduct themselves
- To observe school rules
- To make someone aware if they are not feeling safe in school
- To be aware of their own and others well-being with regards to behaviour and attitudes
Rights of Pupils:
- To feel safe
- To be in an environment that is positive, calm, and orderly
- To be treated fairly with consideration and respect by all
- To know what is expected with regards to their behaviour and attitudes
- To be listened to by adults in school
- To have any incidents of violence or bullying towards them dealt with fairly and consistently
Responsibilities of all Staff:
- To create a safe, calm, and positive environment in which pupils can learn
- To treat all pupils with consistency and respect at all times
- To carefully consider their choice of phrase and words when dealing with behaviours and attitudes
- To communicate positive/poor behaviour and attitudes with parents
- To sign and implement the Behaviour and Attitudes policy Rights of Staff
- To be treated with respect by all pupils and stakeholders
- To be able to teach in a calm and orderly environment
- To expect all children to show a willingness to make good choices with regards to behaviour and attitudes
- Develop in pupils the understanding and application of the learner profile attributes, a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions – thus enhancing self-esteem.
- Promote the development of children’s courtesy, honesty, respect and tolerance for others.
- Develop the understanding and skill that will enable students to work and play cooperatively with others.
- Foster respect for the rights, abilities, property, and beliefs of others.
Responsibilities of Parents:
- To know and support the school rules and the behaviour and attitudes policy
- To ensure that children attend school regularly, arrive on time and have everything they need to enable them to be active learners (e.g., reading books, PE kits)
- To tell the school if they have any concerns about their child
- To support their child’s development at home Rights of Parents
- To know that their children are safe
- To be sure that their children are treated fairly and with respect
- To expect the school to provide and calm and purposeful working environment for their child
- To be able to raise concerns with staff
- To know that the Behaviour and Attitude policy is consistently followed by all staff
At EISB we recognise that in order for pupils to reach their full potential, positive learning attitudes and behaviours are crucial. It is expected that:
- Students are engaged, motivated, and committed to learning
- Mistakes are valued and shared openly in the class
- There is purposeful talk
- Students demonstrate respect to each other
- Respect for adults in the room is clear
- There is a sense of pride from the children about their learning
- Students are willing to have a go and take risks
- Students are keen to learn and share their knowledge
- Students are independently accessing appropriate learning tools
- Students take care and pride in the presentation of their work
- Students maintain strong focus during a lesson
“Contemporary behaviour management approaches involve students actively in planning and shaping their behaviour through participation and through exposure to training designed to help them to monitor and evaluate their behaviour more actively, to learn techniques of self-control and problem solving, and to set goals and reinforce themselves for meeting these goals.” (Brophy 1986).
Behaviour management at EISB includes all actions and conscious inactions which enhance the probability that people, individually and in groups, will choose behaviours which are personally fulfilling, productive, and socially acceptable.
Behaviour management standards at EISB are, ideally, set through example and explanation. Wherever possible this will be accomplished through reasoning and by establishing a clear understanding of why such standards are required. This is included in the Learner Profile words caring, principled, balanced, reflective, knowledgeable open-minded and thinker. The entire school community share the responsibility for creating the best possible learning environment.
At EISB we hope to develop the sense of responsibility and awareness of others by educating our children to monitor and evaluate their actions actively. We hope to educate our children to learn techniques of self-control and problem solving, and to set goals for behaviour management for themselves. We aim to encourage positive behaviour and uphold values which promote spiritual, moral, cultural and mental development in children. Behaviour management at EISB encompasses the practise of positively reinforcing acceptable social behaviour and mutual respect rather than the practise of merely following rules.
We are concerned with behaviour management for the following reasons:
- A school community relies on an environment of mutual respect, tolerance, safety and support.
- Children need a safe and supportive environment for well-being and personal security.
- A safe and supportive environment facilitates effective teaching/learning.
- All students are entitled to a safe, enjoyable, and rewarding school experience.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour at EISB
It is recognised however that in an atmosphere of positivity, there may be student behaviour/conduct which interferes with students learning or with teacher instruction.
When there are safety considerations, rules will be promptly and strictly enforced. Behaviour management is a school wide responsibility – everyone in the school is responsible for creating a consistent, ordered, and purposeful environment.
Consequences may be implemented incrementally or, dependent upon the severity of the behaviour or the safety of all concerned, may be implemented at any point below:
- Should unacceptable behaviour compromise the safety of others or self, rules will be strictly enforced. Parents will be informed of any poor behaviour or serious concern regarding a child’s ability to relate to others. The reporting teacher will discuss this with all teachers concerned.
- The teacher or responsible adult may use a variety of strategies appropriate to the situation (e.g., timeout, making good what was done, writing a note to parents). As part of the school’s aim to teach responsibility and consequences, individuals transgressing the essential agreements of the school will be involved in the process of determining appropriate consequences for their actions.
- During lunch time detentions, the student will produce a written reflection of the behaviour and why it is inappropriate.
- When there is a safety implication, immediate involvement of the Principal is required and parents are informed.
- At stage 4, students will be provided with a conduct card in which they are expected to take full responsibility of. They will be required to carry their conduct card to each lesson and submit to the teacher where they will receive a written comment for their behaviour and attitude in the lesson. Parents are expected to sign the sheet each day to recognise the behaviour of the student.
- Parents will be invited to attend a meeting with the child’s teacher. EISB expects parents’ cooperation and support in finding a positive resolution to unacceptable behaviour. Feedback to the Principal with clear timelines and action taken, must be provided.
- The child and parents will be invited to attend a meeting with the Principal. At this point, the Principal will inform the Head of School. Additional help from another professional may be sought to ensure a positive outcome.
- Continued serious behaviour problems may result in suspension. Expulsion from the school would be considered in extreme cases such as drug or alcohol abuse or in cases where severe behaviour poses a danger to self or to others.
Staff should maintain a calm and measured approach to poor behaviour. It is the behaviour of the pupil, which is being questioned, not the pupil. Adults should not use any form of degrading treatment or language to ‘punish’ a pupil. The use of sarcasm, demeaning or insensitive comments towards pupil and young people is not acceptable in any situation. Teachers should deal with behaviour incidents within the vicinity of other staff to avoid words being misinterpreted or allegations being made against the staff member.
If the behaviour of the class as a whole has fallen below the expected standard, the class teacher may arrange a circle time or discussion to address the behaviour and decide as a class how this can be addressed. Teachers should avoid whole class sanctions wherever possible as they create a feeling of injustice and a failure to identify pupils who have behaved correctly.
Definitions of Behaviour
Behaviour management is a holistic education process, this policy is designed to enhance self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. The definitions below are characterised by the degree to which they influence the effective operation of the education environment and are intended to be used as a guide. The definitions and the consequences contained herein are not intended to replace or supersede the paragraph entitled ‘Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour at IST, they are rather intended to elucidate and extend.
- Good Behaviour
- Misconduct (moderately disruptive behaviour)
- Gross Misconduct (severely disruptive behaviour)
- Illegal Conduct
a. Good Behaviour
Good behaviour is positively reinforced by complimenting students and providing recognition through awards programs (e.g. Learner Profile certificates) and/or by providing opportunities for participation in school activities that supplement the curriculum. Student rewards are available to all students regardless of academic ability and may include but is not limited to complimenting students, merit opportunities for extra activities or positions of responsibility (e.g. Student Council)
b. Misconduct (moderately disruptive behaviour)
Inappropriate behaviour that is not frequent or serious enough to significantly disrupt the learning climate or endanger the well-being of others is regarded as moderately disruptive. Most behaviours of this type can be dealt with adequately by the classroom teacher. At times this may necessitate collaboration with school leaders, other teachers and specialists.
Misconduct may include but is not limited to:
- homework infractions;
- lateness;
- minor class disruptions;
- sarcastic, impertinent, angry or inappropriate language;
- stereotyping and labelling;
- lack of responsiveness, apathy; disrespect or insubordination;
- lack of responsibility;
- minor attendance concerns;
- public displays of amorous or sexual affection between individuals
- marking on desks; any obscene language or graffiti
- cheating in class tests and homework Consequences of moderately disruptive behaviour may include but is not limited to:
- verbal reminders and directions from staff;
- student-teacher conferences; • parent/guardian notification;
- referral for guidance counselling; • school – student conferences;
- in-school time out;
- restitution/repair work;
- loss of good standing;
- suspension from sports, breaks and extra-curricular activities;
- verbal or written apology;
- behaviour management tracking sheet
c. Gross Misconduct (severely disruptive behaviour)
When inappropriate behaviour reaches the level where its frequency and nature is disruptive to the learning environment, it is considered to be severely disruptive. Ordinarily, only a small number of students display severely disruptive behaviour and it is expected that school efforts to develop collaborative approaches to building and maintaining a positive school climate will reduce the occurrences of such behaviour. Severely disruptive behaviour may include but is not limited to: • fighting; • verbal or physical assault and all forms of bullying;
- repeated acts of disrespect or insubordination;
- on-going failure to accept responsibility;
- disruption of the operation of a school or classroom;
- verbal abuse; obscenity in any verbal, visual or physical form;
- theft;
- pushing/shoving;
- repeated remarks or slurs about an individual’s physical characteristics, friends or relatives.
Consequences of severely disruptive behaviour may include but is not limited to:
- notifying parents/guardians;
- conference with parents;
- counselling;
- repair of damaged property;
- school-based community service;
- in-school time out; in-school suspension;
- out-of-school suspension;
- restitution;
- behaviour management tracking sheet/card system;
- loss of good standing;
- suspension from recess, sports and extracurricular activities;
- verbal apology or written apology.
d. Illegal Conduct
Illegal conduct requires immediate, urgent intervention. Counselling is an integral part of all consequences at this level.
Illegal conduct may include but is not limited to:
- physical violence resulting in injury or inciting others to use force resulting in injury;
- racial misconduct of any form;
- sexual assault, physical or sexual abuse or harassment;
- vandalising or inciting others to vandalise property;
- possession of a weapon or using a weapon to threaten others;
- stealing from others by use of intimidation, threat or force;
- possession or selling of a dangerous substance;
- possession of alcohol, drugs, solvents etc. at school-sponsored activities;
- illegal activity, as defined by Swiss Law.
Consequences of illegal conduct may include but is not limited to:
- notifying parents/guardians;
- suspension from school;
- permanent exclusion (expulsion)
- conference with parents;
- school-based community service and or payment for restitution;
- counselling and a behavioural contract as a condition of return to school (behaviour management tracking sheet system)
- repair of damaged property;
- loss of good standing;
- notifying law enforcement and/or action by law enforcement officers.
At EISB, we place the highest importance on standards for learning. In line with being present and punctual as a vital component to learning we see high behavior and conduct as a key component to creating the correct environment for learning. In line with this from Grade 1 upwards we have a stage system of behavior differentiated per grade.
The version below is the generic stages for Primary. There is a specific stage system for each grade in line with the classroom agreements which are cemented in the first day of school.

The version below are the stages for Academy.