EducationOpen HousePrimary

Data management: Back2School

Data management is one of the least taught strands of mathematics in the classroom. But look around you in your daily life, and we are surrounded by it, we live with it, we make decisions because of it. Data management gives us answers to questions we pose in order to try and make our lives better.

You – parents, came to visit us during a recent parent open day: Back2School. For me, this seemed like a perfect opportunity to gather data in order to find out whether what we were doing in the classrooms did in fact reflect the teaching philosophy we were offering – where we were doing really well and where we had to improve.

It was also a perfect moment to bring real data management inquiry into the classroom. Because who managed your data? The students did of course, in their math lesson, learning about how use the information in the questionnaires to build a graph, how to read a graph, and to see first hand what amount of information a fun, colorful graph could easily provide. The full visuals will be available during the open house on Friday as well as in the hallways during the rest of the month.

As an extra, here are some of the nice things you had to say about your experience at EISB as a student – summarized in the following image:

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