EISB Parking during Hockey Championships
Update to the Parking from 6 May!!
World Hockey Championships start soon from 10-26 May 2019. This event will cause traffic chaos around the stadium and greatly affect parking and drop-off procedures.
Please make note of the following:
From 6 May: Kalinciakova ul. is closed to traffic. Also there will be no school traffic on the road in front of the school.
Parking and drop-off will ONLY be at the Stadium along the wall between the stadium and the school. This is a much better situation for both parking and students.
All cars should have an EISB Parking sticker placed on the dashboard to prevent towing. The stickers can be picked up in the Main Office anytime. As games do not begin until next Friday May 10, stickers can be picked up also next week.

All other morning/afternoon routines remain the same. For any further questions, please contact the office or your class teacher/tutor.