AcademyFamily NewsPrimary

EISB Gymnastics champions – 3 out of 3

Nina & Amelia 1st place 2009 and 2010

3 EISB Athletes, Nina Durinova (Year 8), Amelia Pishchulina (Year 6), and Natali Durinova (Year 3), competed this weekend at the Nitra Cup, an International Modern(Rhythmic) Gymnastics competition in Nitra, highlighting in particularly the top talents in Slovakia and Czechia.

Although the competition was stiff, Nina finished 1st place for 2009, Amelia finished 1st place for 2010, and Natali, 1st Place 2013. 

Yes all 3 EISB Gymnasts took 1st place.  Way to go, girls!

Natali 1st Place 2013

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