AcademyEventsFamily NewsPrimary

Christmas collection for families

At the begining we would like to wish you happy and healthy new year 2021! We promised you feedback on each charity event, that we organise as the EISB Parents Association.

This special event took place in December 2020 in cooperation with our English International School of Bratislava and the Civic Organisation Share. The effect of the collection was breathtaking, because many of you dear Parents decided to be involved. We were very courious about what was hidden in your bags, and after we opened them under the Christmas tree, we were stunned what treasure we found. It shows your good heart to help other families, generosity and kindness. We are very proud of all of you! We shared together joy, help, humanity and felowship. To be more specific, we helped 36 families in Bratislava, and other places as well. Thanks to you, these families had nicer and happier Christmas. Thank you for all the groceries, drugstore, toys and books. We also would like to thank to our EISB School for joining us and participating in this event with the grocery donation.

Mrs. Tímea Izák-Molnár with her son Viktor (MYP1) personally helped to distribute the gifts in Bratislava, to families in “Úsmev ako dar”, to crisis centres Dúha and Ševčenková. The rest of the gifts were distributed by Mrs. Andrea Mišíková from the organisation Share. We would like to share with you the gratitude and joy of these people, please see our photo gallery.

Once again, we are very grateful, that you have participated and supported this wonderful event, many thanks to everyone! We are thrilled about our wonderful community, which we build together. We teach our kids how to make other people happy, how to share and how to appreciate, what we have …

We believe, that this year will be another successful year with many interesting events.

Your EISB PA Board

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