EducationOpen HousePrimary

The Importance of Reading

Read, read, read!

When I was a little girl, I loved reading books. All sorts of books! Books provided me with a whole new world to dive into, they sparked my imagination and improved my creativity and communication. After a couple of months of reading daily, my self-confidence and grades improved drastically!

Whenever a parent asks me what their child can do at home, I always, always, always recommend reading. Reading is linked with higher grades and higher rates of self-confidence. It not only helps children’s English but also their ability in Maths, Science and Topic. A child could be brilliant at Maths but struggle to read or understand the question at hand. This can be applied to the rest of the subjects taught in schools.

What does reading do? It keeps us focused, relieves stress, provides us with knowledge, expands our vocabulary, improves our memory, strengthens our analytical thinking skills, enhances our communication skills, and provides us with tranquility and entertainment. What more could we ask for!

What should your child read? Anything and everything! Does it matter that the text is too hard or too easy? No, of course not! What matters is that they’re enjoying what they’re reading and thinking about the meaning of difficult words in context… And most importantly, developing a love for reading!

Two of the electives I am offering this year is ‘Book Club’ and ‘Roald Dahl reading and colouring’. I secretly look forward to them every week! The opportunity to enjoy a lovely reading book means the world to me and to the children that attend.

Miss Yasmin

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