
Your MYP Coordinator

Welcome to the new school year!  I’m Lisa Kerwin, and many of you know me already; I taught German and English Language Acquisition last year.  This year, I have taken on some new challenges: along with helping to fulfill our Arts requirements by teaching Drama, I am the new MYP Coordinator.  It is now my job to make sure that we are following all the rules and recommendations of the IB Middle Years Programme.

This task is particularly important this year because next fall the IB will be visiting EISB for our first evaluation since we became an MYP school.  We will need to show the visiting team both the progress we have made over the last five years and our plans for the program moving forward.  The IB representatives will study our paperwork and speak to staff, students, and maybe even parents, to evaluate our program and give us suggestions for the future.  It will be an enormous amount of work for all of us, but worth it in the end.

You may have heard that the visit was scheduled for this fall; that is actually true, but with the Corona crisis, all visits across the world were postponed. With advice from our IB representative, Miss Bronislava Dvorecka (DP Coordinator) and I decided to combine our evaluations for both programs and were given permission to postpone our appointment a full year.  We are now waiting to hear confirmation of the specific dates sometime between September and November, 2021.

Needless to say, it’s going to be an interesting year, and we have quite a task ahead of us.  If you would like to be involved, or if you have any questions about the MYP, please feel free to contact me.  I look forward to hearing from you!


Ms. Lisa

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