
Year 2 Exhibition day

The Primary Exhibition Day, marking the end of our first unit, was an absolute highlight, and this year did not disappoint! Our Year 2 students proudly showcased the teddies they designed and created as part of our unit on emotions. Each soft toy represented the hard work, collaboration, and creativity that went into understanding and expressing big emotions.

In addition to the teddies, we also had wonderful contributions from collaborations with language teachers and specialist teachers, enriching the learning experience and helping our students explore emotions through multiple perspectives.

A big thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for this special day and for your participation in the creation of our “Jar of Joy.” Your support means the world to our young learners!

  Please see the overview below for a more detailed insight into our Year 2 journey so far.
Parent Overviews First Page (1)

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