
Atomic Models by Year 8

Today, Friday, February 21, my Year 8 Science students brought history and chemistry to life with their Atomic Models Mini Project Presentations. This project aimed to deepen their understanding of atomic structure by exploring the contributions of key scientists who shaped our modern view of the atom.

Each group was assigned a specific atomic model to research, create a 3D representation, and deliver a presentation explaining its significance.

Dalton’s Model (Presented by Stella, Zlata, and Alica)
Although this group was unable to present today due to their absence, they worked hard on their research and 3D model for John Dalton’s atomic theory. Their project illustrated Dalton’s idea that atoms are indivisible spheres that combine in fixed ratios to form compounds. We look forward to seeing their presentation at a later date!

Thomson’s Model (Presented by Valentin, Daniil, and Jack)
Next, we moved to J.J. Thomson’s “plum pudding” model of 1897. This group illustrated how electrons are embedded in a positively charged “soup,” much like plums in a pudding. They used an engaging 3D model, while they also explained Thomson’s cathode ray experiment, which led to the discovery of electrons.


Bohr’s Model (Presented by Charlie, Ivan, and Alex)
Finally, the last group presented Niels Bohr’s atomic model, emphasizing how electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels. Their model visually depicted electron shells and provided explanation of how Bohr’s theory helped explain atomic spectra.

While some students delivered outstanding presentations with well-structured explanations and engaging models, others have room for improvement. This project highlighted the importance of thorough preparation, clarity in presenting complex ideas, and attention to detail in model creation.

A special thanks to Ms. Maria Fomintsenko, whose support and guidance played a key role in making this project a success. Her dedication and contributions were truly appreciated!

Overall, it was inspiring to see Year 8 engage with atomic theory in such a hands-on and creative way. Well done to all participants!

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