
Visit to Anglo-American University in Prague

On March 5th to 7th we will take a group of high school students to visit the Anglo-American University in Prague. We will visit AAU Prague’s university campus, tour the faculties, meet with student ambassadors, attend live lectures, and more. Our goal is to give our students a taste of university life, an opportunity to ask questions, to explore the campus, attend lectures, and to learn about the different bachelor programs offered at AAU.  You can see the bachelor programs offered at AAU here.

Note: Students will be able to choose from a few different options when they are there (e.g., for the faculty tours and live lectures), depending on their field of interest.

We have space for 30 students on this trip. There are currently 15 spots left, so if your child is interested please register them as soon as possible via the EduPage permission form.


Apply to Anglo-American University in Prague

Feel free to contact me with any questions,

Thomas Beadle
Guidance Counselor

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