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Time Management


 First, I do this and later I will do my homework! I want to sleep longer! I forgot when the project is due!

Do you recognize yourself in one of the sentences? If so,  you might want need to read this blog about TIME MANAGEMENT defined as a process of organizing, planning and allocating your time between different tasks and activities.

Did you know that TIME management allows you to work smarter, not harder and its leading to greater productivity and reduced stress? So lets be BETTER at this….

Here are some tips on how to be better at time management?

  • Set reminders for all your task/ project/ homework  – on your phone, diary or use post- its, some students even write notes on their hands 🙂
  • Create a daily planner– it can be a poster on your wall, ask your friends if they use daily planner and they might give you some suggestions on how to set up one
  • Give each task a time limit–  e.g.`I will spend 30mins on Maths project and then I will look into English`
  • Block out distractions – have your mobile on airplane mode and use books or other devices for research, find quiet corner at home, tell your friends that its YOUR STUDY time so they won`t get upset for you not replying to their messages promptly
  • Establish routine– I think this is the MOST IMPORTANT point. I recommend that you have your time set when you are studying e.g. from 6pm to 8pm. Routine sounds for some of you perhaps boring but it creates healthy habits, brings sense of predictability and control and improves productivity.

    Lets look  into `scary` DEADLINES !

    Many of you might miss deadlines because they struggle to start in the first place. If a task feels too daunting or overwhelming, or we subconsciously dread the amount of mental effort and energy we will have to spend on it, we may put off working on it for as long as possible. In that case choose subject you are interested in or the one which you find easy. Consider what motivates you; you can also study with other people. Simply, kick that procrastination habit!

    Remember, being able to meet deadlines is a desirable skill. This ability can help you succeed while under pressure, overcome challenges and meeting expectations.



    Lets look into BENEFITS of being ON TIME FOR SCHOOL DAY!

    Being on time for school helps you to learn about routines and commitment. It gives you time to greet your friends before class and this can reduce the possibility of disruptions in the classroom. On the other side, class disruption can make you feel uncomfortable and can even upset others and your teachers. Remember: SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IS COOL!

    PS.  Your school psychologist will give out surprises  for first 30 students who are entering the school gate in the morning some day next week  from 19th to 23rd February. Being on time for school is cool!







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