
Dogs in schools – psychohygiene

When I decided to have a pet and bought a little puppy I had no idea that Sandra would become an invaluable member of the whole EISB school community. Once upon a time, when we were having our EISB Club Expo, as we usually do at the beginning of each school year where we introduce and promote our clubs; a colleague of mine had an idea about doing a “Puppy Club”. Sandra was a puppy, only 2 months old in September 2022. This academic year I have changed the name of the club to “Pet Club”. About this Puppy, later Pet Club I have been writing in my other blog, here I would like to focus on the benefits I have noticed and experienced over the span of time that dogs can have on people when these little creatures are around us not only at home but also at work, schools…

Since Sandra has been introduced in my work place, I have witnessed several positive effects on me, my students and my colleagues – other teachers. I call it a form of psychohygiene. Psychohygiene refers to activities or interventions aimed at promoting mental health and well-being. Below I am listing some potential benefits of having dogs in schools for psychohygiene:

> Social Interaction:


> Improved Mood :

Reduced Tension in the Classroom:

> Emotional Support & Reduced Loneliness:


> Enhanced Social Interaction & Positive Physical Activity:

> Stress Reduction & Mindfulness and Presence:


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