
Reading in Year 6

Year 6, like every year, are enjoying the opportunity to read a variety of books, both as a class and individually. During the summer, the class read Wonder by Rj Palaccio. We have since read, as a class, After the War by Tom Palmer and Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCamillo. These are all excellent books which are thoroughly enjoyed by this age group, and many adults too. They also tie in well to the PYP programme of our school, and the values of understanding, empathy and communication.

Students also have the opportunity to have their own individual reading time once a week in the primary library, and have other opportunities regularly as well.

Students these days are very often tempted to spend all of their time on electronic devices. While these certainly have their place, the importance of reading to the developing mind cannot be overstated.

All of us who are parents should spend time reading with our children in addition to encouraging them to read. Children, even of the Year 6 age, enjoy being read to. Make a regular time to spend time reading with them, whether it is taking turns, them reading to you or you reading to them.

This can also help to make your relationship with your children stronger with this bonding time together.

Here are a couple of photos of Year 6 in their reading time.

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