
Student Council has a plan to help the environment

  • As student council, we would like to set up a new campaign of bottle recycling in our school. We have seen many un-recycled plastic bottles in our schools bins. So as student council, we would like to set up boxes in our school, that student can put their plastic bottles in there. We would then return the deposit bottle and for the money we get, we would get ready for our future update at our school garden.
  • We, as student council, we had a vision on making our school more environmentally friendly. So we want to rebuild our garden at the back of our school. We believe this can have a positive impact on our school and may also promote a greener environment in our school. 
  • We also have an idea on creating a message board somewhere in our school where students may write messages on it. We would encourage them to write messages during important dates, specifically world environmental day. We would keep this message board for some time, and we believe this would show a positive impact on representing what the students would like to say. Furthermore, we had an idea on switching the school Chromebook’s search engine to ECOSIA. ECOSIA is basically a search engine, but they use the money collected from the advertisement during your search into climate action. To learn more about ECOSIA, you may click here →click here 

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