
Competition for High School Psychology Students

I would like to share with the EISB community a unique opportunity that is currently being offered by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students are invited to make a short video about a psychological topic that may benefit their school and/or community and improve people’s lives in some way.

The winners would receive some prize money; however, in my opinion, the greater opportunity here for students relates to gaining experience in a field that interests them, as well as CV building – especially for those who may wish to pursue studies in psychology and neuroscience at the university level.

Here is the relevant information from the APA website:

“High school psychology students are invited to create a video not longer than 3 minutes that demonstrates their understanding of how a topic in psychological science has the potential to benefit their school and/or local community and improve people’s lives. Up to three students will receive $300 scholarships for their winning videos.”

Deadline: April 10, 2023

All the relevant information and submission details can be found here on the APA website.

More detailed information and instructions (from the APA website):

“Students are invited to create a video not longer than 3 minutes that demonstrates their understanding of how a topic in psychological science has the potential to benefit their school and/or local community and improve people’s lives. The topic must be related to content covered in the Social and Personality Pillar of the National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula (i.e., a topic related to social psychology, personality, multiculturalism and gender, motivation and emotion).

Submissions should demonstrate students’ understanding of psychology’s real-world applications and include the following:

  • An accurate description of a key psychological construct (e.g., theory, concept, or term) from content within the Social and Personality Pillar of the National Standards
  • Reference to at least one published research study that demonstrates how this construct has the potential to benefit society and improve people’s lives.
  • The research study should be highly relevant to the topic and demonstrate the potential impact of the psychological construct. The presenter should summarize critical features of the research study so that a viewer will at least understand what was being investigated, the population studied, and the study’s conclusion.
  • A real-world example of how broader knowledge of this construct within their school and/or local community could benefit the school and/or community and improve lives.

The student entering the contest must be the only one seen or heard in the video. The video must include a closing slide to provide at least one APA-style reference. Instructions for uploading the video through YouTube can be found under the Submission Instructions tab.

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