
New Drama Criteria

One interesting thing about the IB is that it never stays the same for long.  For a variety of reasons, it is constantly being updated and changed.  Recently, they unveiled new MYP criteria for the Arts.  They aren’t all that different from the previous ones, but there are definitely some changes.  Here are the new criteria and what they mean for Drama.

A: Investigating – “Investigate a movement(s) or genre(s) in their chosen arts discipline, related to the statement of inquiry; describe an artwork or performance from the chosen movement(s) or genre(s).” In other words, students should be able to research various styles/genres of Drama and then recognize those styles in performances they see.

B: Developing – “Practically explore ideas to inform development of a final artwork or performance; present a clear artistic intention for the final artwork or performance in line with the statement of inquiry.” This is about the creative process.  Students generate ideas for what they want to do and the message (artistic intention) they want to get across.

C: Creating/Performing – “Create or perform an artwork.”  In Drama, this is the performance criterion, but the word “creating” also suggests it can be used to assess design work (staging, costumes, etc.), not just acting.

D: Evaluating – “Appraise their own artwork or performance; reflect on their development as an artist.”  This is reflection.  What went well? What could be changed? What did students learn from the experience?

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