
Grading in the MYP

Thank you again to all the parents who attended the meeting on February 4.  For those who weren’t able to be there, or for those who would just like to see the information again, I’ve attached the PowerPoint.  I’ve included a few notes from our discussion as well. 

Please don’t forget that if you have questions about specific subjects, the best place to start is with the subject teacher.  As class teachers in the Academy, we have a general overview of how students are doing, but for details on any particular class, you need to go straight to the source.

There were some questions about publishing grades, feedback, and similar things.  We will be discussing these as a whole staff in the near future, just to be sure everyone is one the same page.  As I said in the meeting however, I can guarantee that students receive feedback on their work.  It can come in many forms: the grade itself (with the strands marked on the criteria), written comments, verbal comments, and so on.  You may not see them in Managebac because they were giving directly to the student.

There are also the comments on the semester report.  Please take a moment to go over those with your student(s); this is a great way to set goals for the second half of the year.  If your student isn’t sure what the comments mean, have them go back to their assignments and review what their teacher(s) wrote.  If they still aren’t sure, please urge them to talk with their teachers.  Among other things, the IB encourages being independent and proactive.

My plan is to have teachers create a series of blogs that will explain the criteria subject by subject, so do check back for that.  As always, if you have any other questions about the MYP, feel free to contact me.

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