
Trip to BIO Apple Orchard

It’s apple time!!!

The month of September is generally the best time of year to pick apples. While different varieties of apples ripen at different times, and the climate varies the harvest from year to year, early fall is almost always a reliable time to go apple picking.

So, this is a great time to visit BIO apple orchard.

The Environmental Club children visited BIO apple orchard to see and learn about apples. The place was absolutely amazing! Trees planted in straight rows, all very organized, and full of different types of apples. We learned about different kinds of apples, different tastes, and what they are best for. We even had a chance to taste some. There were Evelyns, Magic Stars, Golden Delicious, Bonitas, and many others. Some were crispy, some sweet, sour, crunchy, etc. Everyone chose his/her own kind.

It was a fabulous day!

Ms. Eva Gogova

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