
Me, myself and Ms. Vereniki

The beautiful view of my paternal hometown.

It might sound a little nerdy, but I always loved school and learning new things. However, I wished that the school could be more fun and creative. I also used to explain whatever I could to my classmates in the funniest and silliest way and they always seemed to get it and have fun at the same time as well. This is one of the reasons I became a teacher. I hope I am teaching my students new, exciting things in a very fun and humorous way, or at least I try to.

Now a little bit more about me

I was born and grew up in Greece. I lived in three different cities while growing up and I love all of them! Ioannina’s high mountains, Volos’s beautiful blue sea and Athen’s busy streets, full of different cultures. 

Fate (some might say an airplane to Vienna and then a bus) brought me to Bratislava! The castle was the first thing I saw the night I came to the city and it was like something out of a fairytale (or a TV show – whatever you prefer).  I loved the city from my first walk outside! The Danube and the Old Town were there to welcome me. I finally saw the UFO bridge, but to my surprise, no aliens were hanging around – just a very majestic and funny – named bridge. What I love about Bratislava is that it looks majestic and humble at the same time. I can feel the history, but also meet my friends randomly by walking around the old town.

When I’m not teaching, I love to travel to all kinds of places, read books and cook for my friends. Also, it is quite possible to see me in the street singing or dancing (or even worse, both) along to my favorite song.

Although I love all forms of art – including visiting museums to admire them -,  my secret passion is movies. Whenever I go to the movie theater, it feels like home to me.

Thank you for reading!

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