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Second Hand Book Sale!

Our school will be holding a book week on the 14th of March. In which we will be collecting second hand books to sell them and raise money for charity. Last year’s second hand book sale goal was successful because of you!

This year we will be raising the money to build a library in a school in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This school is built and run only on donations from a group of kind hearted people.

This charity was first introduced in our school by Mr.Thomas as part of his project to raise money for it through reading books. Mr.Thomas has so far raised 319 out of the 1000 Goal.

Our second hand book sale’s goal is to raise 500 to combine it with the goal that Mr.Thomas has set for it.

If you would like to help with this, please donate any second hand books that you do not need or do not want to keep anymore. The books can be in Slovak or in English. You can drop the books in the box that in next to the front office in the main lobby of the school. Please make sure that you drop the books before the 9th of March.

Thank you in advanced for your help!

Here are some helpful links for this cause:

The school in Tanzania – here

The website that Mr.Thomas has set to raise the money – here

Here are some photos from the school:

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