B for Bibiana-Children Interactive Musem in Bratislava
This exhibition, dedicated to the “round” 30th birthday of BIBIANA, presents its individual creative departments, giving children the understanding of art over those years in playful ways. This time, as well, we created a joyful, but first of all inspirational atmosphere being so typical for „Bibianic“ projects. The kids may find here e.g. a big picture of BIBIANA with little windows hiding various surprises, playing with filming equipment within the space dedicated to the Biennale of Animation Bratislava (BAB), the will have fun with illustrations from the aforementioned Biennale, they will get to know our book-wonders and take a seat at a huge birthday table with various „creative dainties“. Finally, they will have a look into the distant future of BIBIANA. They will simply find a big playroom here, with an atmosphere full of fantasy.
The FIRST FLOOR is dedicated to silent books. There in the middle of the first room, we saw a gigantic brown circle with 35 countries. Children were super proud to sit on the names of their own countries. Here we had a story activity where each child held one clock. We built a funny story together according to the pictures on the blocks. After the children could move around and saw many silent books (books without words) that could read anywhere in the room. The books “grew” on the trees:)) They also put on a shadow play.
On the SECOND FLOOR, we saw various ways how to make simple movies, animated stories in sequence. The children were told to focus better on this technique because there was another plan later on. Consequently, we moved to the next room on this floor that was fully dedicated to Bibianas birthday party. We were welcomed with a long party table with many plates. There under each plate was hidden a specific activity the children could enjoy (origami, stencils, drawing, etc.)
On the THIRD FLOOR, there was a fabulous Toy exhibition. The toys were from the beginning of the 20th century. These toys were from a time when the only toys they had were handmade. More expressive was, that these toys were oversized toys and the children felt that they were as tiny as ants.
We all had lots of fun and we rewarded ourselves with ice cream afterward, Yum!:)
Ms. Eva Gogova
more photos here