Story Writing Using Symbols

In Year 2 we have been focusing on our reading, writing nd drama skills. We read the fun and whimsical story of Max the black Labrador who enjoys going on little adventures to collect sticks.
First, we drew the story together. Every picture represented a sentence in the story. Then we started to act it out. This helped us remember the different events and use ambitious language… And got us moving!

We then practiced writing the story of Max. Knowing the story and the actions associated with every part helped us remember exactly what to write next. This is usually the biggest struggle with primary school children – they either experience writer’s block or end up writing a story that isn’t cohesive. But this helped us write smoothly, easily and confidently.

We then started changed some events in the story, and Max became Freddy the rabbit who enjoys collecting different carrots! We really enjoyed the changes we made together as a class, and we especially enjoyed writing the story independently! The structure of the story remained the same, which helped the flow. But the new changes encouraged creativity and imagination to step in, which was the fun part!

We are very proud of our writing in Year 2, especially because we had never written a whole story before! This unit has taught us to believe in ourselves even if the task seems hard. It has given us the self confidence to speak up and perform a story. It has given us the patience and creativity to edit our work and make it better….. and finally, it taught us how to write a whole story on our own!
Miss Yasmin