Thank you EISB!
The everyday life of many families across the country and the whole world has been affected by the difficult COVID-19 situation.
Do you often get the feeling that the media are full of negative news? We have decided to change this and give you something positive, something to feel good about, like our school. Our school has managed to get through this incredibly difficult and exhausting time successfully, helping every step of the way, displaying and providing support to the families.

We can all agree that the level and quality of online schooling was mastered in almost every classroom, hats down to all the teachers and assistants keeping the interest and enthusiasm of our children going, so that they could continue to develop and learn, on screen and off screen.
EISB didn’t stop there though. Despite the mastered online schooling, our school was working towards the ultimate goal, re-opening for all students as soon as safe and possible. The efforts paid off and our school has opened its gates to all students this week. Truly amazing effort EISB! We are proud and grateful to be part of this community.
With the gloomy winter season almost over, we are all looking forward to the well deserved spring break. See you back and full of energy after the break! No doubt we will see new and strong relationships sprouting and being built within the EISB community. Show us the way!
We, the parents, are also grateful for being taken seriously, e.g. feedback from the satisfaction survey, you have clearly identified that a happy parent means a happy student and vice a versa. We value all the efforts and energy!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re here to help, we’re here for you.
Your EISB PA Board