
Celebrating Poland at EISB

The previous week (09.-13.11.2020) was designated for Polish culture and the reason for choosing that particular week was the celebration of the National Independence Day on the 11th of November. The students at EISB were engaged in different Polish activities throughout the week.

In the Primary elective of Culture Weeks students were allowed to choose an animal living in Poland and their task was to search and gather information about the animal of their choice. That information was put together in two posters and presented in the reception alongside with some artwork representing Polish flags. In addition, the below shown artwork, including Polish traditional costumes and Wycinanki paper art, made by Primary students was also exhibited in the reception area and can be still found there until the end of this week.

On Friday, Poland and Polish culture was respected and celebrated in the Primary assembly various ways: a presentation, clothes, a dance performance and a singing performance. Year 6 students had prepared a short presentation, pupils were wearing clothes that had red and white on them, one of Year 6 students performed her own choreography and one of our Polish students sang a Polish song. To see short videos from the assembly, please visit the profile of @EISBratislava in Instagram and watch the highlighted stories of the Polish week. The link to Instagram can be found below.

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