EISB Year 2 – Learning how to Party!

The Year 2 party was a huge success! The Year 1 and the Year 2 children had a lot of fun and so we would like to share a few highlights with you, from planning to execution!

We started with learning how to write fun recipes to make for our party. We even ended up writing a love potion!

We then paid Ms. Andrea a visit in the school canteen and learned how to make a yummy and very healthy avocado sandwich. We really enjoyed our time there and appreciated her experience.

After that, we started setting up and decorating the classroom. We moved our chairs and tables, spread balloons everywhere, hung up party banners and placed our games and decorations in their assigned spots.

Throughout the day, children from other classes took part in our hands and feet obstacle race. Their loud chants urging on their classmates could be heard in all of primary. Some children won some cool prizes as well.

Right before our party, we were very excited and a little nervous. We put on some music, danced around, played some party games, and ate lots of food. We had so much fun with the Year 1s!

Unfortunately, because parents and the rest of the primary children could not take part in our party, the Year 2 children have decided to put together party planner booklets. These consist of pictures, notes, recipes and plans from our party for everyone to look through so that you’re able to see a glimpse of the wonderful day that we had.

Miss Yasmin