
EISB Rockin’ it at the Charity Christmas Bazar

On Sunday, 24 Nov 2019, a majority of staff, students and parents from EISB supported the charitable efforts of the International Women’s Club of Bratislava’s annual event.

Providing tables, workshops, green guards, translators and one of the highest grossing auction items at the event, EISB was busy, productive and festive for the occasion.

“We had a huge increase in participants this year,” claimed schools-coordinator Geraldine Triadou. “we had over 4,400 visitors. And an additional 1000 volunteers and performers.” Last year the event raised over 92,000 Euros for Charity this year, although the exactly amount hasn’t been tallied, it’s expected to more than surpass that previously held record.

“We are very proud to join forces once again with the amazing people of the IWCB. We’re happy to do our part with them to support some well deserving charities,” share EISB Education Director Jaymes Regualos during the EISB Scholarship award ceremony.

Although charitable, it is none the less festive with the EISB performers ranging from Year 2 – Year 13, singing, playing piano, flutes and even glockenspiels.

Where else can you get Chinese Dumplings, Vietnamese Noodles, Russian Caviar, Israeli Hummus, and top it off with Kuwaiti Coffee and a shot of Austrian Schnapps all withing a few steps of each other.

Altogether, EISB helped raise close to 4000 Euro on the day, met some new friends and hopefully some new members.

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