
Year10/Grade9 in action

I have known Y10 for 4 years now. This class is special. It would be more precisely to say that every student in this class is an interesting personality, which makes this class special. Each of them is a generator of various ideas in lessons, trips, events, excursions. Here is one example.

Last school year, the Art class moved to a new huge room. It was great. All the students at the school love Ms. Jana’s classes. The creative process is very interesting, but it often leaves a lot of mess behind. One day, at the end of May, I was replacing Ms. Jana’s class in the Y10. The students had already finished all their projects, and we were thinking about what interesting things to organize. I don’t remember who first came up with the idea to tidy up the Art room. But I liked it. The students did not need any persuasion. They independently chose Matyas as their leader, divided into groups, decided who would do what, and got down to business.


The students worked as a single organism: harmoniously, cheerfully, creatively. 45 minutes flew by in one breath. The guys were happy with the result and proud of themselves, and so was I.


It is always joyful and pleasant for me to work together with such creative, proactive students.

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