
Sense of community & Teaching skills ◤3◢

EISB Vision Statement
EISB seeks to provide its students with the
learning habits, skills and dispositions to
succeed at higher levels worldwide through
learner-centered education using modern
educational teaching methods taking ad-
vantage of holistic learning opportunities.

Teaching skills & developing a sense of community

Today, our MYP4 students, Tymur and Matyas, were tasked with teaching an interesting topic to Mr. Clipp’s class. To accomplish this, they prepared a brief lesson following a simple lesson plan.

Preparing to present a topic such as community jobs, the students adhered to a structured lesson plan template.


The students stepped in, thinking about how to make the lesson interesting for the younger kids.

By participating in these group activities and volunteering, our students had the opportunity to become more engaged in their learning process.

Additionally, creating material that is relevant to the lesson’s goal is crucial when teaching children.

This experience was a wonderful opportunity to foster community service and enhance communication skills.


And of course, the respective reflection :)



Special thanks to Mr. Clipp and his class.

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