
An Invitation from the Head of Primary, Mr Eley

As part of my first year of being the Head of Primary at EISB, I would like to introduce something new.

Starting on Friday, 12 January, I would like to invite Primary (and other parents if interested) to a first Tea Morning. It will take place at 08:30 in the Year 6 classroom.

I would like these to be informal events where we can all get to know each other. You can find out more about what is happening in the Primary and at EISB. We can also get to know more about each other and what we can all contribute to the EISB community.

I want there to be some specific topics and guests at the mornings, and these can be up for discussion amongst the people who come. The topic of the first meeting will be announced closer to the date.

Finally, the frequency of these mornings could be weekly, biweekly or otherwise as will fit our needs.

I look forward to seeing many of you there on the 12th! Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

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