

Despite I am not a big fan of Halloween celebrations when it is not too scary I have started liking it because of a lot of fun. And actually I am looking forward to putting on my costume and turn to someone else once in a year.

Every Fall we have a costume parade. There is a lot of creativity going on when kids choose or make their own costumes. And they are always very excited to see the teacher’s costumes too.

Carved pumpkins and the best Halloween themed decorated door competition are always very popular amongst our students.

At the backyard the parents usually organize a trick or treat trunk activity.

After the parade Halloween games like pumpkin bowling, a mummy wrap race, or a bean bag toss take part till lunch time. And after lunch a little bit of scary Halloween movies! Aaaarrr, I had a scythe!

Last year











Pirates! Not sure about having sunglasses


A mummy wrap activities

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