
Visitors in year 3

This week we have had some interesting visitors in the Year 3 classroom. They started off as finger bones, ribs and femurs, but slowly formed into full skeletons, who accompanied us during the rest of the lessons. They even had some very interesting things to say during our class meetings.

In primary school, one of the key concepts that students learn in mathematics is measurement. To help students understand this idea, they were provided with a concrete, real and engaging way to understand this abstract mathematical concept – creating a model of their skeleton. This activity also helped develop problem-solving, critical thinking, as well as the social skills necessary to successfully work in small teams. Measurements became increasingly detailed, with fingers and toes getting all the necessary joints. This activity also sparked conversations about cartilage and bone joints. They also learned about the use of the tape measure, in order to measure longer objects that cannot be measured with a ruler.

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